N-dimensional maximum-entropy tomography via particle sampling)
A. Hoover
[preprint] [code]
Journal articles
Four-dimensional phase space tomography from one-dimensional measurements of a hadron beam
A. Hoover
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (2024)
[published] [preprint] [data]
High-dimensional maximum-entropy phase space tomography using normalizing flows
A. Hoover and C. Wong
Physical Review Research (2024)
[published] [preprint] [data] [code]
Analysis of a hadron beam in five-dimensional phase space
A. Hoover, K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, A. Zhukov, and S. Cousineau
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (2023)
[published] [preprint] [data] [blog]
Four-dimensional emittance measurement at the Spallation Neutron Source
A. Hoover and N. Evans
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (2022)
[published] [preprint]
Computation of the matched envelope of the Danilov distribution
A. Hoover, N. Evans, and J. Holmes
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (2021)
Conference proceedings1
Benchmark of linac model and phase space measurements at the SNS Beam Test Facility
K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, A. Hoover, T. Thompson, and A. Zhukov
14th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (2024)
Progress toward halo modeling at the SNS Beam Test Facility
K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, A. Hoover, T. Thompson, and A. Zhukov
32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (2024)
MENT-Flow: maximum-entropy tomography using normalizing flows
A. Hoover and C. Wong
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2024)
[poster] [paper]
Proposed muon collider R&D at the SNS
V. Morozov, A. Hoover, D. Stratakis, F. Pilat, N. Evans, and S. Cousineau
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2024)
Measurement and modeling of beam transport in the FODO line of the Spallation Neutron Source Beam Test Facility
T. Thompson, K. Ruisard, A. Hoover, A. Aleksandrov, and A. Zhukov
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2024)
Status of Spallation Neutron Source Beam Test Facility and progress of beam dynamics studies
K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, S. Cousineau, R. Dickson, B. Han, A. Hoover, A. Shishlo, T. Thompson, V. Tzoganis, R. Welton, and A. Zhukov International Particle Accelerator Conference (2024)
The impact of high-dimensional phase space correlations on the beam dynamics in a linear accelerator
A. Hoover, K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, S. Cousineau, A. Zhukov, A. Shishlo
ICFA Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (2023)
[paper] [slides]
Self-consistent injection painting for space charge mitigation
N. Evans, A. Hoover, T. Gorlov, V. Morozov
ICFA Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (2023)
Detailed characterization of a five-dimensional phase space distribution
A. Hoover, K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, S. Cousineau, A. Zhukov
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2023)
[poster] [paper]
Measurements at peak operational beam current in the SNS beam test facility
K. Ruisard, A. Hoover, A. Aleksandrov, A. Zhukov, S. Cousineau
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2023)
Phase space painting of a self-consistent Danilov distribution in the SNS Ring
N. Evans, A. Hoover, T. Gorlov, V. Morozov
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2023)
Self-consistent, angular-momentum-dominated hadron beams for space charge mitigation
A. Hoover
ICFA Mini-Workshop on Space Charge (2022)
Observation of current- driven features of 2.5 MeV ion bunch with complete and efficient 5D measurements at the SNS Beam Test Facility
K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, S. Cousineau. A. Hoover, A. Zhukov
International Linear Accelerator Conference (2022)
[paper] [poster]
Measurements of the five-dimensional phase space distribution of an intense ion beam
A. Hoover, K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, S. Cousineau, and A. Zhukov
North American Particle Accelerator Conference (2022)
[paper] slides]
Model/measurement comparison of the transverse phase space distribution of an RFQ-generated bunch at the SNS BTF
K. Ruisard, A. Aleksandrov, S. Cousineau, A. Hoover, A. Zhukov
North American Particle Accelerator Conference (2022)
[paper] [slides]
Open XAL Status Report 2022
A. Zhukov, A. Hoover, A. Shishlo, J. F. Esteban Müller, E. Laface, Y. Levinsen, N. Milas
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2022)
Development of an injection-painted self-consistent beam at the Spallation Neutron Source
A. Hoover, N. Evans, T. Gorlov, J. Holmes
ICFA Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (2021)
[paper] [slides]
Simulation of 4D emittance measurement at the Spallation Neutron Source
A. Hoover, N. Evans
International Particle Accelerator Conference (2021)
Computation of the matched envelope of the Danilov distribution
A. Hoover, N. Evans, J. Holmes
APS April Meeting (2021)
Towards the production of a self-consistent phase space distribution
A. Hoover
PhD Diss., University of Tennessee (2022)
[published] [slides]
IPAC is not peer reviewed. Papers often report work in progress before journal submission or summarize already-published work.↩︎